Orthotic Pricing - Last Update 2021
Managing Podiatrist
If you wish to speak directly before an appointment please leave a contact number on my work mobile.TEL: 07581 424020
I can usually return calls same evening between 6pm & 8pm or next day.
Biomechanical Assessment & Gait Analysis
The biomechanical assessment takes around 40 minutes:In the consultation I will assess both standing, walking, sitting and non weight bearing positions of the foot joints. I especially look for symmetry in relation to alignment and how pressure is transferred into and through the feet, ankles, knees, hips and back. I can then know if foot orthotics can give benefit and help.
Consultation £60.
Plaster Casting & Scanning £80.
All orthotics - Very Precisely Handmade £160.
Plaster Casting & Scanning
The consultation and Plaster casting / scanning of feet are in the same appointment.Bespoke Orthotics Manufacture
The orthotics are manufactured to your exact specification. All orthotics are priced per pair. All orthotics are guaranteed for 18 months and manufactured and bevelled individually by the managing podiatrist.Please call if you would like further information.
Repeat Orthotic Prescriptions
Once taken the plaster moulds/scans are stored to allow for further pairs to be manufactured in the future.Overview of Prices
- The initial assessment is £65
- Plaster bandage/Scanning of both feet is £80
- Orthotics are £160 per pair, ready in two weeks or we can sometimes make urgently when required. Queue jumps will incur an additional charge to cover cost of overtime.